Quinn Warnick
Permanent Room Change
by Quinn Warnick - Tuesday, 10 July 2007, 5:41 PM

I'm writing to confirm what we discussed in class today about changing our meeting location from Durham 91 to Ross 115. I checked with room scheduling this afternoon, and they have approved the room change.

From now on, we'll meet in Ross 115. If we need a traditional classroom, it looks like Ross 127 will be available, too.

Tomorrow you'll spend the entire class period working in teams to accomplish the following tasks:

1. Decide what organization your team will portray for the Unit #2 proposal.

2. Determine a broad topic for the Unit #2 proposal.

3. Select a specific RFP to which your team will respond. In order to facilitate this process, you should come to class with three RFPs that interest you. (You can bring more if you'd like.) Each team will have at least 12 RFPs to review, and with any luck, your team will be able to select one by the end of the class period.

I will meet with each team for 10-15 minutes to discuss your progress and answer any questions you have about how to get started on Unit #2.

See you tomorrow...

- Quinn