I have updated the class website for Week 5, and I need to bring several important items to your attention in this message.
For those of you who missed class today, we discussed three new assignments: Unit #2, Unit #3, and the Funder Research Report. All three of these assignments are available on the class website, and I'll have paper copies of the assignment sheets available on Monday. I also assigned you to your teams for Unit #2 and Unit #3. If your teammates haven't contacted you already, here are your assignments:
By Monday, each team needs to develop a contract that will govern your team's work over the next four weeks. At minimum, the contract should cover the following items:
- When will your team meet outside of class?
- How will you contact the other members of your team (phone, email, etc.)?
- How will you resolve conflicts or disagreements (majority vote,
unanimity, etc.)?
- Does your group have the authority to "fire" members of the team?
How will you handle this process?
- OPTIONAL: What role(s) will each team member play? (Team leader,
document manager, PowerPoint specialist, proofreader, etc.)
Once all members of your team have OK'ed the contract, please print it out, sign it, and give it to me. For those teams that didn't make much progress on their contracts in class on Thursday, I would suggest communicating with one another via email this weekend to get a draft of your contract written. (You can contact one another via email by clicking on the "participants" link in the left-hand menu on the class website.)
We also began working on the Funder Research Report, which is due in class on Tuesday. Please read the assignment sheets for Unit #2, Unit #3, and the Funder Research Report, then go to the Funder Research Report Wiki (posted at the bottom of the Week 4 materials) to "lock in" the funding organization you want to research. Again, if you missed class on Thursday, it is VERY important that you get started on this research report this weekend. We will spend part of class on Monday working on these reports, but you won't have enough time to catch up if you wait until then.
Finally, two additional reminders:
- Your Unit #1 final drafts are due on Monday. Please upload your assignments to the class website before class starts, and please bring a printed copy of your document with you to class on Monday. If you have any questions about your assignment, please contact me via email by Friday night so I will have time to respond.
- I have added two very short readings to the class website. Please print and read these PDFs before class on Monday.
I know this seems like an avalanche of material, but we lost a lot of time this week with no class on Wednesday and so many people gone on Tuesday and Thursday. All of us -- myself included -- will be playing catch-up for a while, but we'll get back on track next week. In the meantime, contact me with any questions or concerns.
Have a great weekend,