I have updated the website for Week 3, and you will notice a few changes to the syllabus:
- Chapter 7 has been bumped to Monday, so you will need to read two chapters (7 and 9) over the long weekend.
- I have posted a new short assignment (Unit #1 Rough Draft) which is due at the end of class next Thursday. We will spend almost all of next week working on these documents, but it might be a good idea to start drafting new sections (plan, qualifications, benefits, etc.) of your proposal over the weekend.
Finally, let me offer one quick suggestion about your Unit #1 proposals. If you haven't completed your "research" (interviews, surveys, web searches, etc.), I would make that your first priority for this class. You need to have good data to support the claims in your proposal, and if you shortchange the research aspect of the assignment, your final document will suffer.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please email me or stick around after class. If you'd like to come to my office for a more formal conference, just let me know and we'll find a time to meet.