Quinn Warnick
Week 9 Update
by Quinn Warnick - Thursday, 4 March 2010, 10:46 AM

I have updated the course website with additional details for Week 9. Here, as usual, is an overview of the coming week:

- On Tuesday, we will discuss website design and usability testing. Please read Chapter 14 in the textbook, as well as the three linked readings on the class website. (Please note that the two readings on the Usability.gov website include multiple pages.) Before you come to class, one member of your team needs to submit your team's first and second choices for companies you would like to portray for Unit #3. To make your choices, please review the list of Fortune 100 companies linked on the class website and visit several of the companies' websites. Refer to the Unit #3 assignment sheet for guidelines about how to choose an appropriate website for this project.

- On Thursday, we will discuss activity reports and conduct a usability testing workshop. Please read Chapter 22 in the textbook, as well as the "Design" and "Test and Refine" sections (and subsections) of the Usability.gov website. Before you come to class, your team should draft a short (1-page) memo analyzing the current website of the company you are portraying. Bring an electronic copy of this memo to class on Thursday.

As we work on Unit #3, we will rely heavily on the Usability.gov website. There is a LOT of material on that site, and I don't expect you to memorize every page that you read. However, you should spend enough time on the site to become familiar with the key terms, concepts, and procedures in the field of usability studies.

If you have any questions about these items, please let me know.

Enjoy your weekend,
