Quinn Warnick
English 314 Finals Week Update
by Quinn Warnick - Friday, 11 December 2009, 2:06 PM

This will be the last update to the class website. I have just one reminder for finals week:

Your Unit #4 eportfolio is due on Tuesday, December 15, at 9:45 a.m. Please remember that I cannot accept finals submitted after this deadline. We will not meet as a class for our final; instead, you will submit your project electronically. To complete the assignment, you need to do two things:

1. Use the Eportfolio Final Draft link to submit two URLs: one to the original template you used for your portfolio, and one to your finished portfolio on the iastate.edu server. Please make sure that both URLs are active links.

2. Upload your Unit #4 Memo of Transmittal to the class website in MS Word format. Please make sure that your name is somewhere in the file title (e.g., "Quinn Warnick Unit 4 Memo.doc").

When you have completed those two tasks, you have successfully completed English 314!

It has been a pleasure getting to know you this semester and seeing you develop into skilled technical communicators. As I mentioned in class yesterday, I am always available to help you with resumes, personal statements, cover letters, etc. Whether or not you need that kind of assistance in the future, I hope you will always feel free to stop by my office and say hello.

Best wishes for finals week and for your holiday break,
