Quinn Warnick
English 314 Week 15 Reminder
by Quinn Warnick - Monday, 30 November 2009, 2:51 PM

I'm writing with two reminders:

First, we we will meet in 115 Ross Hall on Tuesday, not in our regular classroom.

Second, If you have not done so already, please complete the following tasks before you come to class (not during the first ten minutes of class):

A. Finish the Resume Exercise and submit the URL for your resume using the "Completed Resume Exercise" link under Week 13. Instructions for uploading your files to your iastate.edu website can be found on the "Electronic Portfolio Resources" page, also under Week 13.

B. Select a template you would like to use for your eportfolio and submit the URL for the original template using the "Eportfolio Template Selection" link under Week 15. You can find a wide selection of templates at the following two sites:
You may want to review the assignment sheet for Unit #4 (linked under Week 13) before you settle on a template. For instance, one of the evaluation criteria for this assignment measures how well you modified the template, so you'll want to choose a template that can be altered without too much difficulty.

If you have any questions about these items, please let me know.

