I'm writing with a quick update about the eportfolio assignment and what we'll be doing in the coming weeks in English 314.
The class website now shows details for all class sessions until the end of the semester. As you can see from looking at the website, we will spend most of our time in workshop mode. Please make note of the following two changes to the syllabus:
- On Tuesday, December 1, we will meet in 115 Ross Hall instead of the regular classroom. Ross 115 is a PC computer lab, and we will spend that class period conducting another HTML/CSS workshop.
- On Tuesday, December 8, we will not meet during our regular class time. Instead, I will hold extended office hours in 420 Ross Hall (another computer lab) from 1–5 p.m. on Monday, December 7, and Tuesday, December 8. You can attend none, part, or all of these sessions, depending on how much help you need with your eportfolio.
If you have not already submitted the following two items, please do so as soon as possible:
- Complete the Online Identity Self-Assessment. This exercise should take no longer than 10 minutes.
- Finish the Resume Exercise we conducted in class on Thursday. When you are done, upload your resume to your ISU public web space and submit the URL for your resume using the Completed Resume Exercise link under Week 13. (Please don't spend too much time working on this. The point of the exercise was simply to learn how to edit files and upload them to your website. If the resume doesn't look perfect, that's OK.)
Your only other homework assignment for Thanksgiving break is to become familiar with the basics of HTML and CSS. The best way to do this is to watch the Lynda.com videos linked on the class website, but if you are unable to access the videos from your off-campus location, you can review the lessons contained on the Opera Web Standards Curriclum website, linked in the Week 15 description on the class website.
By Tuesday, December 1, you should have a good idea of which template you would like to use as the starting point for your eportfolio. The Electronic Portfolio Resources page has links to several template sites, but I recommend two in particular:
- Open Source Web Design, located at http://www.oswd.org
- Open Web Design, located at http://www.openwebdesign.org
If you're having a hard time choosing a template, feel free to email me with possible choices and I'll give you some feedback about which ones might be the easiest to work with for this project.
Thank you for wading through this long message. As always, let me know if you have any questions or need any additional help. I realize that this unit is going to be challenging for some of you, but I have confidence that you can handle it!
Enjoy your week off,