Quinn Warnick
English 314 Week 4 Update
by Quinn Warnick - Friday, 11 September 2009, 12:42 PM

I have updated the English 314 website with details for Week 4. Here are the highlights:

- On Tuesday, we will conclude our discussion of descriptions (Chapter 19) and begin exploring the topic of instructions and documentation (Chapter 20). Please read Chapter 20 before coming to class, and be ready to discuss both Chapter 19 and Chapter 20. We will also briefly review the final steps you need to take before submitting your Unit #1 projects, so come ready to ask any last-minute questions about Unit #1.

- On Thursday, we will explore how instructions have evolved over time, and how the internet is changing the genre of instructions. We will also discuss our next major assignment: Unit #2, which focuses on—you guessed it—instructions. There is no reading assignment for Thursday, but you will need to bring a set of paper-based instructions to class. The instructions can be for anything—a vacuum cleaner, an iPod, an office chair, or anything else you can find around your apartment.

- Last but (definitely) not least: your Unit #1 project is due at the beginning of class on Thursday. Please bring electronic copies of your documents (with your name in the document title, as explained on the assignment sheet), as well as printed copies of your documents, stapled in this order: memo, glossary, information sheet.

If you have any questions about these items, or about anything else related to English 314, please let me know.

Have a great weekend and GO STATE!

- Quinn