Quinn Warnick
English 309 Week 8 Update
by Quinn Warnick - Thursday, 26 February 2009, 5:27 PM

Well, one of our busiest weeks is behind us. We're done with the midterm exam, and you've submitted your Unit #1 proposals. The next two weeks will be much more low-key, as we begin working on Unit #2 and you get to know your teammates. Here's a quick rundown of Week 8:

- For Tuesday, please bring your team's contract, signed by all members of your team. Your contract should include items like contact information, meeting times, individual responsibilities, how to deal with absences, accountability measures for team members who slack off, etc...

- Before class on Tuesday, please read the two PDF grant-writing guides linked on the class website under Week 8. Print these out and bring them to class, too -- we'll be discussing them in class.

- If you haven't already "locked in" your choice for the Funder Research Report, please use the Funder Research Report Wiki to do so. Begin researching your organization over the weekend; we will discuss your progress on Tuesday and spend some time in workshop-mode on Thursday.

If you have any questions about these items, please let me know.

Have a great weekend!

- Quinn