I have updated the class website with additional details for Week 6. Here's the executive summary:
- On Tuesday we will review Chapter 12 and the two Example Proposals at the end of the book (starting on page 235). We will also spend a little time reviewing for the midterm exam, which will given the following Tuesday (February 24). Please come to class prepared to ask any questions you might have about the exam.
- On Thursday will take a quiz, then spend the rest of the class session in workshop mode, helping each other revise and polish our Unit #1 proposals. Please bring a printed copy and an electronic copy of your proposal to class. I will do my best to have your drafts back to you before class on Tuesday, so please try to incorporate my feedback and suggestions into your draft before our workshop exercise.
If you have any questions about these items, please let me know. At this point, you should be reaching the homestretch on your Unit #1 proposal. If you are one of the students who has significant gaps in your proposal (you know who you are!), please do everything you can to fill those gaps this weekend.
I'll see you in class on Tuesday. Until then, enjoy your weekend!
- Quinn