Quinn Warnick
English 309 Week 5 Update
by Quinn Warnick - Friday, 6 February 2009, 2:12 PM

I have updated the course website with details for Week 5. Here's the quick summary:

- Yesterday in class I mentioned that I would upload a few sample proposals to the class website, so you could see what students in previous sections of English 309 have done on the Unit #1 assignment. I have put three sample proposals in a viewable directory under the Week 5 heading on the website. You should use these proposal for inspiration, but please don't assume that your proposal needs to look exactly like these samples. Remember, every proposal is unique!

- On Tuesday, we will continue our discussion of visual design, then spend some time talking about "writing with style." Please review the Unit #1 Example Proposals and read Chapter 9 before coming to class. In addition, come ready to discuss any questions you have about the nuts and bolts of drafting your proposal.

- On Thursday, we will discuss Chapter 11, then go into "lab mode" and learn how to use Microsoft Excel to integrate graphs, tables, and charts into your proposals. Come prepared for a quiz on on Chapters 9 and 11, and think of at least one idea for a table, chart, or graph that could enhance your proposal.

- At the end of class on Thursday, you will upload a complete draft of your Unit #1 Proposal. This draft needs to include an introduction, a conclusion, and all major body sections. At this point, we have read enough of the textbook that you should have a solid grasp of how to structure your proposal. If you are struggling with this task, I encourage you to go back to the book and review the sample proposals in the two different scenarios woven throughout the book.

If you have any questions about these items, or about anything else related to English 309, please let me know.

Enjoy the weekend!

- Quinn