Quinn Warnick
Week 12 Update
by Quinn Warnick - Monday, 10 November 2008, 12:11 AM

I apologize for not sending this week's update message sooner. I was busy hosting a conference on campus on Friday and Saturday, and I'm still catching up on the long list of things I should have been doing for the past few days.

Fortunately, there aren't any surprises about what we'll be doing this week. We will spend both Tuesday and Thursday in iMovie workshop mode. As we discussed in class last Thursday, you should add all of the "raw materials" (images, video clips, audio, etc.) to your iMovie file before you come to class on Tuesday. By the time you come to class on Thursday, you should have a complete draft of your video ready to show to your classmates -- we will conduct an informal peer review session in class that day.

This is the last week we will spend class time working on the Kinetic Text project, but your final videos aren't due until November 20th (the Thursday before Thanksgiving break). If you're having trouble with iMovie, or with anything else related to this project, please come see me during office hours.

Finally, a reminder about your reading journals:

To confirm what I said in class on Thursday, you are welcome to resubmit your reading journal for an improved grade, but you are not required to do so. If you are happy with your first reading journal grade, you don't need to do anything. However, if you would like to improve your journal grade, you can resubmit your journal (which should include all of the articles from the first round of grading, plus all of the articles we've read since then) any time before Thanksgiving break. (I will not accept any journals submitted after the break.) If you choose to resubmit your journal, I will average your two journal scores together to come up with your final journal grade for the semester.

If you have any questions about any of these items, please let me know.

