Quinn Warnick
Week 9 Update
by Quinn Warnick - Friday, 17 October 2008, 8:23 PM

I have updated the class website with information for Week 9. Here are the highlights, as well as a few reminders:

- On Tuesday, we will talk about conducting online research. Before you come to class, review the two websites linked under Tuesday's description on the class website.

- Also on Tuesday, I will hold short conferences with each group. Before you come to class, you will need to meet with your group to evaluate what you've done so far and what you still need to do. Be ready to discuss these items with me during class on Tuesday.

- On Thursday, we'll hold an in-class writing workshop to learn more about presenting research findings in a formal report. Your group should bring all of the data it has collected so far, regardless of how far along you are.

- At this point, all of you have received feedback from me regarding your research plan. (Check the forum or the Research Plan assignment to see my feedback.) Once you have made the revisions I've recommended, your group can begin collecting data. Good luck!

If you have any questions about your collaborative projects, or about anything else, please let me know.

Have a great weekend,
