Quinn Warnick
Week 8 Update
by Quinn Warnick - Friday, 10 October 2008, 11:35 AM

I have updated the class website with details about Week 8. On Tuesday we'll discuss how technology is changing the way we conduct academic research, and on Thursday we'll explore the role that technology plays on American college campuses. There are two readings for each day, all of which can be found on the class website in PDF format. (Remember, all of these readings should end up in your reading journal, which I'll be collecting again in a few weeks.) There is also a short journal entry that you should complete before coming to class on Tuesday.

After our short discussions in class on Tuesday and Thursday, you'll have time to meet with your group to develop your plan for the Collaborative Research Project. I have given all of you feedback on your topics in the Collaborative Research Project Forum, and if you'd like me to clarify my comments (or send me another draft of your research question), just send me an email. Over the weekend, you should be in touch with your group members to finalize your research question and begin drafting your survey/interview questions. Please refer to my feedback in the forum for specific instructions for your group.

Finally, one last bit of news that I hope you'll be happy to hear: Given the size and scope of the Collaborative Research Project, I have decided to cancel our midterm exam, which was originally scheduled for next week. I would rather see you spend your time working with your groups on developing and implementing your research plans. Next week in class, we'll talk about what you'd like to do to redistribute the 10% of your grade that was going to go to the midterm. (Should I divide it equally among the other assignments? Should the collaborative project be worth more?)

If you have any questions about any of these items, please let me know.

See you on Tuesday,
