Quinn Warnick
Week 6 Update
by Quinn Warnick - Thursday, 25 September 2008, 5:42 PM

I have updated the course website for Week 6. We'll spend all of next week enjoying your oral presentations.

The schedule for your presentations is listed under each day on the website, and we will stick to this schedule, so plan to present in the order listed on the site. In order to accommodate everyone, let's plan on a maximum of 5 minutes for each presentation (rather than the 5-7 minute limit we discussed earlier). The shorter time limit means that you'll need to think carefully about how to introduce, interrogate, and make recommendations regarding your software program. The format for these presentations is relatively open, but remember the most important guideline: your presentation should capture our attention and leave us wanting more.

If you're using PowerPoint to show us your software program, you should bring your PP file on a flash drive and copy it to the instructor's computer before class begins. If you are analyzing a Windows-based program and want to demonstrate the program for us, you will need to bring a Windows-based laptop to class or coordinate with one of your classmates who has a laptop.

Since you'll be busy finishing up your papers and delivering your presentations, there are no readings or other small assignments due next week. After we're done with your presentations, we'll begin talking about the next unit.

If you missed class today, I STRONGLY encourage you to refer to the Interrogating the Interface Peer Review Instructions on the class website and complete this exercise with a few friends/roommates/classmates before you submit the final paper on Thursday.

If you have any questions about your presentations or essays, please let me know.

Enjoy your weekend,


PS -- If you haven't already added your Mix Tape playlist to the Mix Tape Forum, please do so. You should be listening to at least one of your classmates' mixes (and commenting on it) each week.