Quinn Warnick
Week 3 Update
by Quinn Warnick - Friday, 5 September 2008, 5:25 PM

I've updated the course website with details for Week 3. Please check the website at your earliest convenience; until then, here are a few important announcements:

- I have postponed the due date for the Mix Tape assignment to Monday, September 15th. This new deadline will give you an extra weekend to work on your mix tapes, which I hope will be helpful for many of you. On the 15th (a Monday), each of you will meet with me to print your poster on one of the color printers in Ross Hall. If you visit the website, you'll see that I have set up a few dozen time slots on the 15th for you to meet with me. You can sign up for an appointment beginning right now. Please make sure you've signed up before class on Tuesday so we can resolve any scheduling conflicts.

- I have posted feedback on your Mix Tape Status Report on the class website. Please read this feedback and let me know if you have any questions about my comments or suggestions.

- We will spend most of Tuesday's class in workshop mode, focused on the Mix Tape assignment. You need to come to class on Tuesday with a solid draft of your poster, not just a vague idea or a hand-drawn sketch. This will be the last in-class time to work on your poster, so you may need to find additional time outside of class to work in one of the on-campus labs. You can find other labs on campus that have InDesign by visiting this link:


To find a list of the labs with InDesign, use the pull-down menu labeled "Software" and select InDesign, then click "Search."

Another option is to download a free 30-day trial of InDesign to your personal computer. You can find the free download here:


- On Thursday, we'll begin working on our next big assignment: Interrogating the Interface. I've posted a few online reading assignments and a short journal entry assignment that you should complete before coming to class on Thursday.

If you have any questions about any of these items, please email me.

Have a great weekend!

- Quinn