Quinn Warnick
Week 2 Update
by Quinn Warnick - Friday, 29 August 2008, 11:24 AM

I have update the website with additional information for Week 2. Please visit the class website to review what we'll be doing next Tuesday and Thursday.

Although there are no major reading assignments next week, please be sure to explore the three linked websites before coming to class on Tuesday. Also, don't forget to bring at least one CD case (preferably more) to class on Tuesday. We'll get started working in InDesign on Tuesday, and continue our lab session on Thursday.

A quick reminder about the reading journal: I noticed that several of you didn't print and annotate the reading assignments for class yesterday. In order for our class discussions to be productive, ALL of us need to come to class ready to share our ideas about what we read. Please refer to the Reading Journal Assignment page on the class website if you have any questions about what I expect from you with regard to your reading journal.

Finally, don't forget that your diagnostic essays are due at midnight tonight (Friday). If you have any questions about your essay, our Week 2 activities, or anything else, please email me.

Have a great weekend!

- Quinn