Quinn Warnick
English 302 Week 15, 16, and 17 Update
by Quinn Warnick - Thursday, 12 April 2007, 5:10 PM

I have updated the course website for what should be the last time (hooray!). Weeks 15, 16, and 17 are now visible, and your individual presentations are listed on the site.

As we discussed in class, I will meet with each of you next week to discuss your final paper/project. Please sign up for a 20-minute conference using the schedule under Week 15 on the website. When you come to your conference, please bring your MOU, as well as print or electronic drafts of what you're working on. I want our conference time to be productive, so try to determine in advance what you would like to discuss.

Next time we meet as a class (April 24), we will begin individual oral presentations. A few of you have asked for clarification about the format of these presentations. In a broad sense, the only parameters are that you've got ten minutes to teach, to delight, and persuade your audience. More specifically, you structure your presentation to include any number of elements. You might want to hand out copies of the document, discuss the process you used to user-test the materials you created, review the challenges you faced in working with your client, and so on. Because each of you is working on a very specific, very individualized topic, each presentation will be unique. Remember, though, that you should be poised, professional, and well-prepared to deliver whatever it is you want to say. Your grade for the presentation will be a small (but not insignificant) part of your final paper/project grade.

If you have any questions about your final presentation, or about anything else, please let me know.

