Quinn Warnick
English 302 Week 13 Update
by Quinn Warnick - Thursday, 29 March 2007, 5:40 PM

I have updated the class website with information for Week 13. On Tuesday, we will discuss Chapter 6 of Writing That Works, and we will begin drafting ideas for your final paper/project. On Thursday, we won't meet as a class, but each of you will have a 15-minute conference with me to finalize plans for your paper or project.

Please visit the class website to sign up for a time slot on either Thursday or Friday afternoon. I would ask that you leave the final slots on Friday afternoon (from 3:00 to 4:00) empty unless you can't meet at any other time.

As always, please email me over the weekend if you have any questions about class, or if you want to discuss your ideas for your final assignment.

