Quinn Warnick
English 302 Week 6 Update
by Quinn Warnick - Friday, 9 February 2007, 4:18 PM

I have updated the course website for next week.

On Tuesday, we will discuss chapter 4 of Writing That Works, plus three articles that are posted on the class website. You will need to print out and bring two of them (the one about the Canadian politician and the one about RadioShack) with you to class, along with your textbook.

On Thursday, we will conduct another in-class peer review exercise, only this time it will be completely anonymous. We'll spend some time on Tuesday talking about how to do this, so don't worry about it for now.

I have responded to your positive and negative situations for the correspondence unit, so if I've given you the green light, you're free to start drafting your letters. If you have any questions about the assignment, or about my feedback, please email me or stop by during my office hours next week.

