Quinn Warnick
English 302 Week 5 Update
by Quinn Warnick - Friday, 15 September 2006, 12:51 AM

I have added the Week 5 update to the class website. Please take a moment to check the site sometime this weekend to review what we'll be doing next week.

A few other quick reminders:

1. As you requested, I have uploaded the sample letters we used in class. You can find these letters (the complaint letter and the adjustment letter) under Week 3 on the class website. The link is titled "Correspondence Unit Examples - Complaint Letter and Adjustment Letter." Remember, these letters should be used as examples, not as templates.

2. If you'd like to review it, the website we visited with suggestions about how to write a good complaint letter can be found here:


3. And here's the list of things that many of your draft letters are missing. (This is the list I put on the screen at the end of class.):
- A real person's name and address. (Avoid "To whom it may concern," if possible.)
- An introduction that explains why you are writing. (Provide context!)
- A narrative description of the problem.  (This will usually follow a chronological order.)
- A clear request of what you want the company to do to "make it right."

4. I'm not sure what the problem was in class today, but the peer feedback on your negative letter drafts should be viewable now. Unfortunately, for those of you who submitted your drafts right before (or just after) class started, the software running the website didn't distribute your essays for review. This means that there are three or four of you who won't see any peer feedback when you log in. If you are one of those people, and you would like to receive some feedback on your draft, please email your draft to me and I will review it and send it back to you ASAP.

5. Finally, remember that your correspondence unit assignments should be uploaded to the website by Monday night at midnight. You will also need to bring printed and signed copies of your two "real world" letters to class on Tuesday, along with stamped, addressed envelopes. I will mail your letters after I have graded them.

If you have any questions, I'll be on campus most of the day on Friday, and I'm available via email all weekend. Please feel free to let me know if you need any help.

Have a great weekend,
